I was born in Ankara on 05.08.1984. I graduated from Private Science High School in 2002. I started studying at Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 2003 and graduated in 2009. In 2011, I worked for a short time as a research assistant at Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Psychiatry Clinic. In 2016, I started to receive specialization training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Ankara Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Hospital, and since 2020, I have continued to work as an assistant physician at Ankara City Hospital FTR Hospital. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, I followed up patients at Ankara City Hospital. I prepared my specialization thesis on Compliance with Complex Decongestive Treatment in Postmastectomy Lymphedema Patients. I became a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist Physician in September 2020. I started my compulsory service at Tokat Erbaa State Hospital and completed it at SBÜ Ankara Training and Research Hospital. In addition to routine outpatient and inpatient follow-ups at SBU Ankara Training and Research Hospital FTR Clinic, I also worked in the Hand Rehabilitation outpatient clinic. I left the civil service in August 2023 and started working at Fizyocare Medical Center. In order to perform my profession more effectively and deepen my areas of interest, I completed the first 4 steps of neural therapy training of the Scientific Neural Therapy and Regulation Association. I continue functional medicine training at the Functional Medicine Academy and 4-year osteopathy training at the German Osteopathy School.
2009 Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine
2020 Ankara City Hospital, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist
2016-2020 SBU Ankara Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital, Assistant Doctor
2020 Ankara City Hospital Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Hospital, Assistant Doctor
2020-2023 SBÜ Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Specialist Doctor
2023- Fizyocare Medical Center