Lie on your back with knees bent on a flat floor. Try to touch your lumbar pit by flexing your abdominal muscles. You can control movement by putting your hands under the waist. Hold it for 5 sec in this way, rest, then repeat the movement 10 times.
Lie on your back with knees curled. Gently pull both knees towards the abdomen. 5 sec. hold in this position, then release. Rest 5 sec, then repeat the movement 10 times.
Lie on your back with your knees bent. Gently lift your head and back off the ground as you try to reach your knees with your hands, hold in this position 5 sec. then lie down, rest 5 sec. then repeat the movement 10 times.
Bend your knees, lift your hips off the ground based on your feet, hold in this position 5 sec. then lie down, rest 5 sec. then repeat the movement 10 times.
Stand with support from your hands and knees (keep your back upright by flexing your hips and abdominal muscles). Extend the left leg to the back while extending the right arm forward, hold it in this position for 5 sec. Repeat the movement 10 times, repeat the same movement for the other side.
Lift the legs straight one by one, hold them for 5 sec, lift the other leg straight and hold it for 5 sec. Repeat the movement 10 times.
Put a thin pillow under your stomach and put the face on the floor. Extend your arms to both sides. Lift the upper part of your torso with your head up without tilting it back. Stay in this position for 5 sec. Straighten your body and repeat the movement 10 times.